Vacation Home

Floor Plan of the Apartment

Floor Plan of the Apartment

  1. Entrance area with coat rack
  2. Shared bathroom
  3. Kitchen, dining room, living room
  4. Patio (Inner courtyard)
  5. Bedroom No. 1 on the ground floor with shower
  6. Bedroom No. 2 on the upper floor with sink and shower
  7. Large balcony

Living Room

Photo: The living room with the staircase to the upper bedroom.

Kitchen and Dining Area

Photo: The dining area and kitchen.

First Bedroom on the Ground Floor

Photo: First bedroom on the ground floor.

Shower in the First Bedroom

Photo: Shower on the ground floor.

Second Bedroom on the Upper Floor

Photo: Second bedroom on the upper floor.

Photo: Second bedroom on the upper floor.

Photo: Second bedroom on the upper floor.

Shower and Sink in the Second Bedroom

Photo: Shower and sink on the upper floor.

Photo: Shower and sink on the upper floor.

Patio (Inner Courtyard)

Photo: Patio.

Photo: Patio.

Photo: Patio.


External Area

Outdoor Pool


Note: I removed the first line, which is a Markdown header. I also translated the text and left the anchor names and gasfeuer_ unten unchanged.